
The Grow With Me Kids Sale is a not for profit, volunteer run fundraiser for the Fort Collins Parents of Multiples Club.  The proceeds from the sale benefit families across Northern Colorado and Southern Wyoming with twins, triplets & more.  The club also supports local child/family charities, the March of Dimes, and the NICU at Poudre Valley Hospital.

The Grow With Me Kids Sale is a great opportunity for families across Northern Colorado to save money, make money, and gives back to the community!

Volunteer Run

The efforts to put on the Grow With Me Kids Sale are completely volunteer based.  The committee that plans and organizes the sale are largely members of the Fort Collins Parents of Multiples Club and a few wonderful people from outside the club.  Thanks to all of our organizers and their families for their dedication to continuing to make this sale Northern Colorado’s largest, longest running, local baby, kids & maternity sale!

Fort Collins Parents of Multiples Club

All parents need a little support.  Families with twins, triplets & more need it multiplied!  The Ft. Collins Parents of Multiples Club supports families across Northern Colorado and Southern Wyoming with informational meetings, play dates, practical & physical supports, mentoring, seasonal parties and great friendships.  To learn more about the club visit

March of Dimes

The arrival of multiples is often a little early.  The March of Dimes is known for it’s research saving lives of premature babies; however, even full term babies and all pregnant mothers have benefited from March of Dimes research!  Things like sleeping babies on their backs, taking folic acid during pregnancy, and heel prick newborn screening are just a few of the ways all babies are given a great start.  At the sale you’ll have an opportunity to join in the cause by donating change or adding a dollar to your total.  You can also donate to our club team here.

NICU at Poudre Valley Hospital

Many times when a baby is born early and needs special attention from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, parents are scattered and unprepared.  Many of our club members have experienced this and wanted to do something to make the experience better, especially for families whose child will be staying a while.  One of the ways we do this is to donate financially to the NICU.  The second way is through our Comfort Bags.  These Comfort Bags have a few necessities for parents, some clothes and a hat for the baby or babies, a notebook, pen and a disposable camera.  The bags are given to both parents of multiples and also families with just one precious child who will be spending the first few weeks being cared for by the excellent staff at Poudre Valley Hospital.

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