Thanks for your interest in consigning with us. We are excited to welcome all new and returning consignors. Please sign up for a volunteer shift. You are welcome to work more than one shift if you are able! Consignors who work the “sort” shift at the end of the sale (in addition to their regular shift) earn 3% more of their sales.
Consignor Fees
- Fort Collins Parents of Multiples Club Members earn 80% if you work one shift 4 hour shift or two 2 hour shifts.
- Non-club members (outside sellers) earn 75% if you work one shift 4 hour shift or two 2 hour shifts (If you choose not work a shift you will earn 55%).
- Every seller has a $15 fee to participate in the sale. This is to help cover the cost of facility rental, advertising, checkout systems, clothing racks, etc.
- A fee of $10 for every 100 items over 400 will be charged. It is required to work the sort shift if you have 500 items or more in your inventory.
First 400 items included with $15 consignor fee 401-500 items +$10** 501-600 items +$10 additional** 601 items and above +$10 additional per every hundred items** **Payed via paypal prior to first shopping day or deducted from your check at the end of the sale. - Because we are a nonprofit, all consignor fees are tax deductible. You will receive a letter to submit to your tax preparer along with your earnings check.
- We are not able accept tags from JBF or other sales. All tags must be entered into our system.
Are You Ready to Consign?
Visit How to Become a Consignor for more details and links to sign up.