Child-care is not provided. Absolutely NO children are allowed on the sales floor during set-up, load-in, or tear down. This rule is for the safety of your children.

The Sale Weekend
Load In
Each consignor will register for a chosen “Consignor Drop-off” time. Please arrive at your scheduled time. Each consignor will pull up, drop off their items at the designated drop off location. An attendant will direct you where to park and will watch your items while you park in the nearby lot. Once your car is parked, your items will be inspected. Once inspected, you may then put your items out on the floor.
If you don’t have enough time for load in, consider Drop & Go.
Please follow these tips for easier load in:
- Children are not allowed during load in, it is for their safety.
- Have all items sorted by gender/size and category.
- Bring a dolly or wagon to help haul your items into the exhibit hall.
- Allow plenty of time for load in. It can take longer than you think.
- Ask for help from a committee member if you are short on time.
- Have all tags attached before you arrive!
- Sale Layout Map
- Make sure you have put all of your items out before you leave the floor at the end of load in. Any items not on the floor at the scheduled end of load in will not be sold.
Your Volunteer Shift
- All sellers must volunteer for a total of 4 hours to help at the sale.
- You are responsible for finding a replacement if you are unable to work your shift.
- There is a place to sign up for a volunteer shift on your consignor homepage after you login to My Sale Manager.
- Any consignor who does not work a shift will automatically be charged an additional 20% sales commission.
Sorting and Tear Down-Saturday
- Coming to tear down is no longer mandatory, unless you have over 500 items in your inventory. It is regarded as a shift that can be signed up for.
- There is a sort shift at the end of the sale. You may work this shift as a second shift for an additional 3%.
- Consignor pick-up is as follows: Last names A-L (or 500+ inventory) 6:00, M-Z 7:00
- All unclaimed items will be donated at 8:00 p.m.
Getting Paid
- Earnings checks will be sent to the address you used when registering for the sale.
- Earnings checks will be mailed within two weeks of the final day of the sale.
- Consignors can report errors in consignment percentage and missing inventory until 5 p.m. the Monday following the sale.
- Earnings: 55% base. + 20% for one 4 hour shift (or two 2 hour shifts), +5% if FCPOMC member, +3% if sort/tear down shift is your second shift, +10% if committee member (see requirements for becoming a committee member). Can earn up to 90%.
Base percentage | 55% | Combos | |
2 hour shift | +10% | Base+2hours | 65% |
4 hours worked | +20% | Base+4 hours | 75% |
Sort Shift as an extra shift-can be your first in which case it counts as 4 hour and not extra | +3% | Base+4hours+extra | 78% |
Base+2hours+extra | 68% | ||
Paid Club Member-must have multiples | +5% | Base+4hours+member | 80% |
Committee member-must be approved by committee and work at least10 hours during sale | +10% | Base+member+committee | 90% |