Drop & Go

Don’t have enough time for load in? Consider Drop & Go! This is a paid service where you can drop your tagged & sorted inventory off and we will put it out for you.

  • The cost is $15 for each 300 items. (0-300 items: $15, 300-600 items $30, 600-900 items $45, etc.). This fee will be deducted from your final earnings check.
  • All items must be sorted and bundled according to gender, size, and sales floor categories.
    • Clothes & Shoes: Please group into gender & size.
    • Toys & Books: Please group into age appropriate categories (infant, toddler, preschool, school age)
    • Group other items into broad general categories: Feeding/Nursing, Bedding, Bath, Accessories, Travel, etc.
    • Large toys & furniture must be zip tied together and will not be assembled.
    • Unsorted items will not be placed on sales floor.
  • Drop off your sorted inventory 7am-11am on the Thursday of the sale.

Space is limited, sign up for Drop & Go on your consignor homepage in MSM.


VIP Tagging

Even shorter on time? Don’t have enough time for entering and tagging your items Consider VIP tagging! This is a paid service where you can drop your clean and sorted inventory off and an assigned committee member will enter, tag, and transport your items to the sale for you.

  • VIP tagging consignors receive 45% of their consignment earnings. All VIP tagged items will be marked discount: yes for the half-price sale on Saturday. Any unsold items will donated at the end of the sale.
  • All items must be sorted and bundled according to gender, size, and sales floor categories.
    • Clothes & Shoes: Please group into gender & size.
    • Toys & Books: Please group into age appropriate categories (infant, toddler, preschool, school age)
    • Group other items into broad general categories: Feeding/Nursing, Bedding, Bath, Accessories, Travel, etc.
    • Large toys & furniture must be zip tied together and will not be assembled.
    • Unsorted items will not be placed on sales floor.
  • Drop off your clean and sorted inventory is arranged on a case by case basis between the consignor and VIP tagger. Drop off must be complete at least 2 weeks prior to the sale to give the tagger enough time to enter items.

Space is limited, sign up for VIP tagging by emailing to request more info and be paired with a tagger.

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