What are the consignor percentages?
Please see the detailed discussion about consignor fees in the seller handbook.
When can I shop?
Please see the detailed schedule in the seller handbook.
When do I load in my items?
To help with the flow of traffic, you must select a load-in shift when you register for the sale on My Sale Manager. At the end of load in, everyone must leave the sales floor. Any items not placed by the end of load in will not be sold. Please see the detailed schedule in the seller handbook.
May I bring my children with me for load in or load out?
Absolutely NO children are allowed on the sales floor during set-up, load-in, or teardown. This rule is for the safety of your children. Your children are welcome to attend during shopping hours. Child-care is not provided.
May I sell a car seat?
Yes! If you are selling a car seat, it must adhere to the following guidelines (seats on the sales floor will be checked prior to the sale and removed if they do not meet the guidelines):
- A car seat cannot have been in a accident or be on a recall list
- The car seat must have all its parts and has not been broken in any way
- To the best of your knowledge it has all the harness straps, clips, seat cover, padding, bolts and the locking mechanism locks securely.
- It should contain the identification label and not be more that 5 years old (check the label on the seat)
How do I find out about recalls?
Items offered for sale must be in good operating condition. Sellers warrant no item has been recalled by the consumer protection enforcement action. Please go to for recall information before you begin tagging!
When do I pick up my items?
You must pick up your unsold items at your assigned pick-up time on Saturday evening.
- Last names A-L (or 500+ inventory) 6:00, last names M-Z 7:00
- All unclaimed items will be donated to charity at 8:00 p.m.
Earnings checks will be mailed to you in about one week.
Tell me about working a shift.
All sellers must work a shift. We have a variety of volunteer positions that can be adjusted to fit almost anyone’s specific needs. Please email us at if you would benefit from special arrangements in order to volunteer. You are responsible for finding a replacement if you are unable to work your shift. An additional 20% of your sales will be retained for those who do not work a shift.
May I sell any items other than kid items?
The only non-kid items that may be sold are maternity and electronics. Please bring only your high-quality electronic items – DVD players, computers, etc. Household items not related to children will be removed from the sales floor. There will be areas for nursery items such as bedding, wall hangings, nursery décor, etc.
Why do you charge a seller’s fee?
The seller’s fee helps pay for rental of sale venue, equipment needed to run the sale (racks, tables, scanning equipment, credit card machines, etc.), advertising, and other expenses needed to run the Grow With Me sale.
How can I reach you in an emergency?
You may email us at (the email is monitored frequently) or send a direct message to our Grow With Me Kids Sale Facebook page.