Data Entry Deadline
All items must be entered in the computer system by 4:00 AM on Thursday of the sale weekend. The system will not allow new entries after that point. You can still print tags after that point.
What’s a Drop Off Shift?
- Each consignor must sign up for a drop off shift, either the traditional shift where you load your own inventory or Drop & Go.
- Drop & Go is a paid service for busy parents where we load your items onto the sales floor for a fee. See the Sale Weekend section for more information.
Need Help?
Feel free to contact us at any time if you need help or have questions.
General Information
First, please review the list of items we accept found in the seller handbook section How to Consign.
New consignors register here. Once you are registered, you will be e-mailed your consignor number and password to log-in.
Many people find it easiest to sort items and then enter them into the computer system.
After you’ve registered for the sale and sorted your items, you can start entering your items. Returning consignors can login here.
Working with Inventory
After you login, the consignor’s homepage looks like this. This is the launching point for all of your tasks:
- Returning Sellers can sign up for an upcoming sale
- Sign up for your volunteer shift
- Sign up for your drop off shift
- Enter, price & edit your inventory
- Print your tags
Entering Inventory
To start adding inventory, click on “Work with Consigned Inventory”, next click on “Work With My Consigned Items”. This will bring you to the screen where you will enter all items you want to sell.
- You must choose an appropriate category for the item you are entering. Shoppers will be upset to find that the 3T Girls garment they thought they were buying was actually 5T. Also, this is how we plan how much space is needed for each size. Failure to categorize your items may result in a penalty to your sales commission percentage.
- Choose the appropriate size for your garment.
- Many size options are available. However, please know that baby clothes reading 3-6 months and 6 months (etc.) are the same size. Please distribute your inventory accordingly when you load your items into the sale.
- Odd Sizes? For clothing with range sizing (6-12 mo, for example), or unusual sizing (European sizing or “medium”) use your experience with the garment and good mama judgment to assign a SINGLE size value. If an item is size 5 but fits like a 4T, enter it as a 4T and include “fits like 4T” in the description and place it in the area where 4T shoppers can find it! Likewise, mark items that are “slim” or “husky.”
Description Lines
- Please enter a detailed description of your item, including the brand name, on the tag. If the tag becomes separated from the item, we may be able to match it back up if provided a good description of each item.
- Price all items with $0.50 increments and a minimum price of $0.50.
- See our pricing tips section.
Quantity Box
Selling several of the same item? Enter a “quantity” while entering the tag information. For example if you have three pairs of 2T jeans that will be the same price, enter the size, description and price and a quantity of 3. That’s three tags done in one quick entry! You can also enter several items with the same descriptions and then individually edit the items to adjust the price, size, description, etc.
Discount & Donate Boxes
“Check To Discount” – if you check this box you are saying it is ok to sell your item for half price on Saturday during our half price sale.
“Check to Donate” – you are telling us you would rather donate the item if it doesn’t sell rather than pick it up at the end of the sale. We all have items we just don’t want to see again!
Note on Donating: There are items that will not be able to be donated at the end of the sale as charities won’t accept any longer. Items on the following list that are left at the end of the sale with be tossed. Here are the items that cannot be marked to donate:
car seats
- mattresses
- strollers
- baby swings
- playpens
- walkers
- hangers
- bean bag chairs
Save yourself some time! There are options to mark all of your items to donate or discount.
Editing Inventory
On the example below, there are 5 pairs of boy long pants, size 9-12 months. You can edit description, price, or size at anytime by clicking “edit” next to the item you would like to change.
Please do NOT make handwritten changes to your tags. Price and discount information is imbedded in the barcode, so changing the price in writing doesn’t change the price electronically. If you change your mind about a price or whether to sell the item at 50% off, please edit your tag in MSM, the online tagging system, and reprint your tag.
Printing Tags
After you have entered your inventory, click “I’m finished for now.”
You will be redirected to the Consignor Item Entry Menu where there is an option to print your tags.