Car Seats
If you are selling a car seat, it must adhere to the following guidelines (seats not meeting these guidelines will be removed)
- A car seat cannot have been in a accident or be on a recall list-if recalled document showing proof of correction attached to sell
- The car seat must have all its parts and has not been broken in any way
- To the best of your knowledge it has all the harness straps, clips, seat cover, padding, bolts and the locking mechanism locks securely.
- It should contain the identification label and not be more that 5 years old (check the label on the seat).
- Car seats cannot be donated at the end of the sale.
Non Kids Items
- The only non-kid items that may be sold are maternity and electronics.
- Please bring only your high quality electronic items: DVD players, computers, etc.
- Household items not related to children will be removed from the sales floor.
- There will be areas for nursery items such as bedding, wall hangings, nursery décor, etc.